Three Forks of the Kentucky River Historical Association


David G. Moore

David MooreDAVID G. MOORE was born in Connersville, IN on 14 Oct 1946 (on president Dwight David Eisenhower's birthday). David is directly related back to the Moores of Owsley. He is the oldest of 37 cousins on his Moore side alone. His father, Floyd H. Moore, b. 23 Oct 1921, was one of 14 children born to Daniel Boone Moore & Emily Mae Rowland. The family moved to Connersville, Indiana in 1926.

David was apparently the first person in his family to become interested in the Family History. His interest to know more about his ancestors was kindled by his grandmother, Emily Mae (Rowland) Moore who lived to be nearly 90 years old.

"When I saw for the first time," David states, "the condition of the records left by James F. Bowman & his brother Arch Bowman in the Library in Booneville in 1988, I knew I had to do something... some way I had to try to develop a more permanent type system. These men, along with many other people, had gone to a great deal of trouble to amass what they could in these old hand written documents. I wasn't sure of how to begin but I could see that my 'brand new' 386 IBM home computer I had in 1988 would somehow lead me to the answer(s). I envisioned those old notebooks which were crammed full of information somehow linked in the computer so that the 'data' would never deteriorate again and that we could easily find info on somebody by simply typing in the name of the person and asking the computer to 'search' for any info we had stored in the database on that person."

"My system began as a 'homemade' database file system and now has info on over 100,000 persons from in and around Owsley County. This system, which has the ability to be converted into the 'new' database systems which are now available... I'll leave that update and transfer for the next generation to figure out" says David. "I am VERY proud to be kin to so many interesting and good hearted people as are the people of Owsley County, KY".

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