Transcribed from the History of Kentucky, Illustrated Edition 8-B, originally printed in 1888.
WILLIAM B. BULLOCK, Sheriff of Owsley County, Kentucky was born in that county, Jan 31, 1849. His father, John C. Bullock, a native of Irvine, Estill County, Ky., was born November 1812, and was engaged in farming and mining the greater portion of his early life; later in life he joined the Federal army, and died in 1865 from disease contracted while in service. He was a son of David Bullock, also a native of Kentucky, whose parents were natives of Virginia, and among the earliest settlers of the territory, now known as Kentucky. David Bullock was a practical school teacher in his day, having spent nearly all his life at that occupation. He was one of the very best informed men of his day. He served as magistrate for a number of years. John C. Bullock married Miss Isabella Bowman a daughter of Thomas Bowman, of Owsley, and became the father of 12 children, viz: Paulina J., Armina, Amanda, Thomas T., David and Mary (twins), Wm. B., John C., Franklin P., George S., Edward H. and Felix.
William B. Bullock was brought up on the farm and received a common school education, and was one of the very best of the common school teachers of Clay County, it being the county in which he taught for 13 years. He was also engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1881, in which he was very successful. He then engaged in the mercantile business, first in 1884, being one of the firm of Bullock & Hammons. He was then elected sheriff of Owsley County, being re-elected in 1886. May 11, 1871, he married Miss Nancy Smith, a daughter of Robert and Mary Smith, of Owsley County, whose ancestors formerly were emigrants of North Carolina, and one child has blessed their union, Laura. Mr. Bullock is a member of the F. & A. M., and casts his vote with the Republican Party.
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